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Thousands of containers lined up outside US ports, material and commodity prices began to fluctuate

Date:27th September,2021 |Author:Bill Chan|Vistors:1729

The two largest ports in the United States, the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, California, accounted for 40% of the cargo container inbound business in the United States. In the beginning of September, more than 70 freighters lined up, setting a new record. Even a week later, there are still more than 60 cargo ships, and nearly a thousand containers have been forced to line up in long queues outside the two largest ports.
Due to various factors, the pressure on shipping worldwide has been rising. Part of the reason is that a large number of containers are piled up in the destination country, causing the price of containers to rise, and the delivery period continues to increase. On the other hand, market countries have begun to stabilize, and import consumer demand has increased, leading to increased shipping costs. The ever-changing market environment is testing the global supply chain.
After analyzing the unprecedented congestion situation, relevant persons said, "The congestion situation will continue until next year, that is, 2022."

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